
  • Use Simacars to register your flight. Visit the download section of your personal pilot actions page and then choose downloads.

  • You are assigned to a hub. You can always contact the CEO at to ask for assignment to another hub.

  • Fly routes according to the schedule and also in the type of aircraft given in the timetable. 
    Means if the timetable says Boeing 767-300, then the pilot is flying in a 767-300 and not in a 747-400.

  • Segmented flights have a letter in the end of the flightnumber. If you fly a first part of a segmented flight (e.g. AZA059A) then you fly next time
    the following part in the segment (AZA059B).

  • Pilots have a logbook and also all aircraft have a logbook. That means that when you fly from hub A to destination B with aircraft X, that your next flight
    is the following segment of the flight(flightXXXXa, then flight XXXXb) or return from destination B to hub A with aircraft X.

  • If you take a plane from a hub, you always return it back. 

  • A day counts 24 hours, so since you fly in real time 1x speed(no slew, or 2x or faster), you can not fly more than 24 hours a day.

  • We expect our pilots to fly and monitor their flight for the entire length.
    Monitoring means, you keep navigation and systems in eye and are able to respond to situations and communications.

  • Pilots use Simacars for flights. Manual pireps are only allowed for emergencies.

  • Rules for manual pireps: ​​​​​​

    1. State your emergency why the pirep is not a Simacars pirep.

    2. Departure time in zulu.

    3. Arrival time in zulu.

    4. Flightplan.

    5. Cruise speed and cruise altitude.

  • Not complying with the rules result in rejection of the pirep. Ignoring the rules result in termination of account.

  • There is no minimum amount of flight hours you need to do every month.

  • You can also become members of other virtual no restrictions.

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