

How to use Simacars

How to install Simacars

  1. Log into your account with the provided Username and the your chosen password at registration.
  2. Go to Pilot Actions -> Downloads and download Simacars.
  3. Install the application to the desktop of your computer and make sure you run it as administrator. (right mouseclick -> properties -> run as adminstrator)
  4. Start Simacars
  5. Go to Virtual Airline Settings
    • Callsign: The provided username AZAyyy (yyy your number e.g. AZA001)
    • Password: The your chosen password at registration
    • VA name: Virtual Alitalia
    • VA ICAO: AZA
    • Press OK

How to use Simacars for a flight

  1. Book a flight:
    • Log in at with your username and password
    • Go to Pilot Actions -> Book Routes
    • Choose a route (press the information icon)
    • Choose an aircraft registration (press the pencil at aircraft booking)
    • Take note of the passenger amount and cargo weight
  2. Do your flightpreparation (navigation, weight and balance, meteo)
  3. Start up your Flight Simulator (FS2004/FSX/Prepar3D/X-plane) put the aircraft Cold and Dark, loaded with passengers, cargo and fuel, at the gate.
  4. Go to your Simacars application:
    • Go to Virtual Airline Login. Choose your airline (Virtual Alitalia) and press the Login button.
    • Now the Virtual Airline Login button turns from blue to green. That means you are connected. 
    • A window appears and asks if you want to load the booked flight. Confirm this.
    • Go to the Flight Plan section: Already some data is filled in there...enter your Route/FL Altitude and Alternative 2.
    • Right under you see Connection to the Sim in blue. Now you choose:
      • Network: IVAO/VATSIM/OFFLINE
      • Choose KG/LBS in our case KG
      • Press Start Track
    • Do your flight. When you stopped at the gate of arrival after shut down, open the doors and then go to Simacars:
      • Press End Flight
      • Left you press Send Report
    • Now your flight is logged and send to the website...We verify your pirep and it is added to your logbook.

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